El Salvador: Finca Buenos Aires
El Salvador: Finca Buenos Aires
One of our yearly classics is back! This was the first coffee we purchased from El Salvador. It was produced by Florence Hill de Mathies, working closely with Aida Batlle, one of the foremost names in coffee production, meticulously cared for and tasty! Look for sweet cherry, syrupy mouth feel, nougat and milk chocolate sweetness. As the days turn colder this is a great coffee lovers coffee.
This particular selection, composed of 100% Red Bourbon variety, is a great showing of how much clean, strict production and processing standards can have on the finished cup. On paper, it looks identical to most coffees coming out of this part of the world; it is washed, depulped, fermented for 12 hours, and dried on raised beds. In the cup, however, it shines with amazing clarity of stone fruit and citrus acidity, a pleasantly coating mouthfeel and finishing with a sugary sweetness. This coffee is a beautiful testament to good practices, and a wonderful cup that you’ll be lucky to savor.
Origin: Chalchuapa, El Salvador
Elevation: 1200-1700 MASL
Varietals: Red Bourbon
Process: Washed
Producer: Florence Hill de Mathies
Flavor Notes: Cherry, Nougat, Milk Chocolate
Roast Profile
Flavor Notes
Milk Chocolate